Voter information tool

There's just one week until election day and many of our political customers are focused heavily on GOTV efforts. There are a number of online tools being launched to help prepare voters for election day and get them to the polls.

In a partnership with the Voting Information Project, Google has just released a polling place lookup tool that allows voters to input their home address to see a map of their polling place as well as early voting locations, contact information for their election official, and a summary of what will be on their local ballot. The tool uses data from government officials and Google Maps to produce the results.

You can easily add the voter information tool to your nation in a three quick steps. Here's how:

1. From your control panel, go to Pages> Theme > layout.html and insert this tag between the tags on your page:

2. After you've added the code to your header, go to Websites > New Page > choose the "Basic" page type and create a new page.

3. Under the "Template" tab of your new page and insert this code just beneath the {{ page.basic.content }} tag:

Hit Save and you're done!

Adding this tool to your NationBuilder website will give visitors an easy to way to find where they need to vote and prep them for casting their ballot. If you want to take it a step further and set up default regions and preloaded information, visit Google's documentation for instructions.

Here are some additional resources to use to prepare voters for the polls, encourage civic participation, and help improve the voting process.

  • : a free, 50-state polling location database. Provides access to the raw data, polling place lookup tools, and APIs to build your own tools on top of the data.
  • : built with the help of NationBuilder Election Center data, this site allows voters to submit feedback on their voting experience and rate their polling place. On election day, this information will be used to create heat maps that identify where it is easy and hard to vote in the US.
  • : everything you need to know about election laws by state including registration, absentee/early voting, voter ID and more.

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Popular Q&A

How many registered voters in Louisiana?

2,884,453 Registered Voters up in here, up in here!
We also would have excepted: Alligator's are angry because they have all them teeth but no toothbrush.

How many registered voters in Louisiana?

2,884,453 Registered Voters up in here, up in here!
We also would have excepted: Alligator's are angry because they have all them teeth but no toothbrush.

How many registered voters in Louisiana?

2,884,453 Registered Voters up in here, up in here!
We also would have excepted: Alligator's are angry because they have all them teeth but no toothbrush.

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