NYS State Board of Elections

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Administering Elections In Monroe County
The Board of Elections Department of Monroe County is responsible for administering all aspects of elections in Monroe County to maintain and facilitate participation in a democratic system of government. The Monroe County Board of Elections conducts all national, state, county, city and town elections. The structure of this agency, its responsibilities and duties are mandated by New York State Election Law. Guidelines for procedures are provided by the rules and regulations defined by the New York State Board of Elections.
The Monroe County Board of Elections is administered by two Commissioners of Elections who serve four year terms. The Commissioners are elected by the county committees of each political party and their appointment is confirmed by the Monroe County Legislature. The Commissioners, each assisted by a Deputy Commissioner and a full-time staff (with equal representation of Democrats and Republicans) provide the technical, clerical, and mechanical skills necessary to provide services; bilingual assistance; information and statistical data to county legislators, other county departments, governmental agencies and to the public.
New York State Board of Elections
40 North Pearl Street, Suite 5
Albany, New York
Phone: 518 474-6220
TTY: Call the New York State Relay 711 (Hearing Impaired)
What is a Primary Election?
A “Primary Election” is one in which only enrolled members of a party may vote for the purpose of nominating party candidates and electing party officers. In any election district, if a race is uncontested, no primary is held.
A “Primary Election” is held on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in September before every general election unless otherwise changed by an act of the legislature. Polls are open for voting from Noon until 9:00 p.m.
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