General Election Information
Filing Periods
- State and Federal Offices: August 1 - August 19, 2016 (5:00 p.m.)
Candidate List
The candidate list will be updated daily during the candidate filing period.
Partisan Offices
Candidates who were nominated in the Primary Election are automatically placed on the General Election ballot and do not need to file again.
U.S. Offices
- President/Vice President
- U.S. Senator
- U.S. Representative (all districts)
State Offices
- State Senator (even-numbered districts 1-48)
- State Representative (districts 1-100)
County Offices
- Some members of county boards of supervisors
- County Auditor
- County Sheriff
- Any vacant offices needing to be filled
Non-Partisan Offices
- Some township officers
- County public hospital trustees
- Soil and water conservation district commissioners
- County agricultural extension council members
Judges Standing for Retention
- Judges may stand for retention at the General Election before their terms expire
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